Sunday, October 21, 2007

the flavors of Linux

Linux has come a long way since Linux Torvalds days. I was hunting for small footprint linux sometime back and bravo, there are so many of them available. There are versions that can boot directly from CD too - like damnsmalllinux and knoppix. The names they chose were funny too.
Well, I was looking for ways to install linux from ntfs though, and this feat has not been accomplished by many yet. There's this tool "instlux" that I thought I may use, but it turns out I couldn't load the aironet network module for my laptop, so I was stopped from installing the OpenSuse from network.
Then I was thinking maybe I could build a kernel and control the boot process so that it boot directly to open up a browser. In that way I won't have to wait long long for system initialization when all I need is a browser...

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